Both of them are at least making an effort, although I don’t know if I’d give either one an “A” for it.
Hey guys, check back next week this HALLOWEEN and I should hopefully have some temporary art for you on Wednesday, before putting up a new update on Friday, as usual!
I love the body language here. Mona’s hands and feet are making very tentative movements in Esteban’s direction, while his hands (and that one foot, especially) seem to be trying to keep her at a distance (not necessarily AWAY, but not too close!).
In other news, these two are cute together =P and like Mona, I have a question! Does the alehouse serve especially good coffee, or is Esteban just not that impressed with the kind of people he runs into at coffeehouses/cafes? I only ask because coffee enthusiasts usually frequent actual, you know, coffeehouses, for their fix. So either the coffee must be stupendous or there’s something/somebody Esteban must not like about coffee places? Or something he likes about alehouses? Or is that going to be revealed later…?
Just curious! Thanks for reading, anyway =) looking forward to more pages!