A Farewell To Parties Page 10
So… big announcement, this week!
I have recently done some hardcore editing to the script… and am both excited and surprised to announce, there will not be a chapter 8 of the story… and instead of the usual 24 pages per chapter, chapter 7 will be a special finale of 36 pages. That means, as of now… there are only 26 pages to go! Can you even believe it?!
Now, in other news, I will be moving at the tail end of this summer, and that means we may experience some down time or bumps in the updates coming up, here. At least through September. I’d really appreciate your support and understanding during this time, and will try to let you know as often as I can when the bumps might come up.
Hope you’re all doing well, I’ve been loving the comments, and I’m glad you’re following along! Hopefully see you next week! (Again, that whole moving-unsure-schedule-thing, ya know.)
NOOO i can’t believe this is coming to an end… there is still so much left to explore ;_;
Thank you for doing this amazing work!! FOrgive my whining!