Well Versed Page 19
on March 20, 2015
at 12:00 am
Thanks for the mental image… I’m not sure if I should thank Esteban or Mona. I guess both? Sure! Thank you both!
Thanks for the mental image… I’m not sure if I should thank Esteban or Mona. I guess both? Sure! Thank you both!
Haha! Love it.
Aw….that time when you find a new webcomic and get through the archive and get to the most recent page……NEED MORE.
Oh, cripes, me too! Just got here a day after you.
Aw, does this comic not have an RSS feed? I read, like, literally hundreds of comics… that’s the only way I can keep up with them all @_@;
Oh well, I’ll figure something out, it’s fun to read.
Hi there! I just recently remembered that we do, in fact, have an RSS feed! I’ll add the link to the site later, but for now, here it is for you: http://themusementor.com/?feed=rss
Thanks for checking out the comic!